I GOT THE WOMAN OF MY LIFE

What would be my greatest luck, if not having the love of my life by my side. What would be my greatest luck, if I did not have the chance to grow up and grow older by his side? What would be my biggest luck, if I can not tell our story:

Just started the summer of 2012. As every year, my family and I spent August in a few apartments in Tarragona, with my best friend and his family. Usually, my friend and I spent the summer days riding bicycles and enjoying the pool and the beach. Everything worked as it used to, until one day, as if the planets, the stars and the constellations align in my favor, I found it. I was next to a friend on the most unusual side of the pool. I did not worry about what they were talking about, but I suggested to my friend that we should talk to them.

Everything happened very fast, and soon those girls and we became friends. At that time, I was a carefree Malas of 16 years, a lover of classical music and video games. She, a girl of 12 years, the most beautiful, adorable and innocent girl. That year, something inside me arose, something was born from within my guts, although I did not even know it myself. A whole year went by, until the next summer. It took me about 2 minutes to fall in love with that 13-year-old girl. I saw her reach the pool, with the ball to play with shovels in her hand, with that smile in her eyes and those deep pink lips.

That summer was wonderful. Actually, nothing happened between us, we just talked, something that in our times is being lost. Talk, we talk about everything. I could not do anything but fall deeply in love with that woman. However, there was a problem: age slowed his decision. For six months, I grew up with him, I grew up as a poet, as a composer, as a pianist, as a musician, as a person, as a human. I grew up as I've never grown up with anyone, there was something in that girl that touched me to the depths of my being, to the essence of my existence, gave me a reason to live. However, our friendship never reached more, I could not cross the impenetrable barrier of their insecurity, and there was no choice but to distance ourselves. If something can seem to die, that moment, the moment our relationship broke up was.

However, and against all my thoughts, I was able to move on. I met a girl from class and I fell in love with her. But from the first moment, it was not the same. I knew from the first moment that I liked that girl, but I also knew from the first moment that she was not my girl ... it was not my love. Still, I continued with her, because I loved her. 3 months passed, until summer came again, the summer of 2014.

Something inside me recognized those feelings again when I saw her, she felt the same butterflies again when she looked at her, she lived again like the first time. Even so, I was self-deceived to address what I did not want to endure: to fall in love again with the love of my life.

The day of my birthday arrived, and a surprise party was prepared for all my friends from the Tarragona apartments, including her. That day, she wore a radiant white dress, fabulous, that looked spectacular contrasting with her dark skin. He remembered everything. He remembered each moment we spent together, each smile, each word. He remembered absolutely everything. And I remembered something too: I remembered love. I remembered the butterflies in my stomach, I remembered the inspiration, I remembered his eyes, I remembered his smile, I remembered his hair, his skin; I remembered her.

During the following days, my confusion consumed me, but the planets, the stars and the constellations re-aligned in my favor. I got the courage to leave my girlfriend and be able to replenish my heart and my soul, with the most perfect woman nature can give, with the woman of my life.

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