The empty love

The empty love

Hello, I am a 16 year old girl, I can be small to understand something like that, but at that moment it was what I felt ... I had a couple almost a year ago almost, it turns out that this couple was just playing with me, making me hurt, and be with me for interest. 

I was still with him because I felt I wanted him and had the need to be with him ... one day he went on a trip and it happened that I met another boy for a page, I was an interesting and very handsome boy.

He started to know him, and I do not know how it happened but I fell in love with him, the funny thing is that I never saw him or touch him, I could not kiss him, nor hug him nor tell him how much I wanted him in person. I was talking to him for several months until my ex-partner found out that he was meeting someone else, he was impotent to know that he was leaving because he was meeting someone else, he had not realized that the only thing he had done the time I was with him was to hurt me and use me like a rag. My ex-partner got into the friendship I had with the boy I met, and the only thing he thought at that moment was that he wanted to fuck me, and he told me a lot, he started talking to the boy I met and told him atrocities, that this happened I did not have a cell phone it broke so I could not communicate with anyone.

The first thing I did when I had a mobile phone was to talk to the guy that really interested me (the one I met), talk to him and he did not know how to answer, I was wrong because he wrote and wrote and the only thing he did was ignore me ... I was sending him months and months messages, calling him, and there was no answer, I was desperate I did not know what to do crying every day, I had really fallen in love with him and I did not know why he had suddenly changed with me, after having been so on top of him there was a day that I told him to see if we could talk, he answered me and said yes, what I explained was that a guy had told him to leave me alone, that was his boyfriend and many more barbarities ... I did not know to answer, until he started to think and I knew that he had been my ex, he wanted to fuck me like never before.

To this boy I answered that everything was a lie, that I had left him with him before I knew him ... his answer was that he did not want to know anything about me, that he did not care that it was already over ... I was really bad because to me Yes, it still mattered to me and it gave me a lot of courage to know that everything ended up for my ex-partner who only wanted to fuck me and that it could not be someone else's if it was not his ...

What happened was that I did not give this story longer, I was still in love withhim and all I did was talk to him day in and day out, I needed to talk to him, to tell me what he had done to the day and tell me that he did love me. Months passed and nothing came back to normal, the other way around he turned against me he started to put me in groups and insult me ​​to delude me because I knew I still wanted him ... and bitch me. I did not say anything to him, until some time I spoke to him to find out how he was, on the 12th our date (when he told me he loved me), I talked to him and he only told me that he had taken a girlfriend, that he felt A lot for me, but I was meeting another girl and she was very good with one of her people.

I told him congratulations, that I was happy for him.

Little by little I was surpassing him and even then day after day I keep thinking about him ... We remain as friends, although I do not talk to him anymore and what little is what hangs in his profiles ...

This is my story of heartbreak, the truth is that is very curious because I fell in love with a boy who could never feel physically, and I would have given everything in his moment I even told him that I was going to live where he lived so that we were together, but he did not want to know anything about me ...

Today, I can say that I do not want it, that I have overcome it but if I tell the truth I do not know what I would do if I came back to speak ..., because not having seen it in person, it has been more important than another person in my life.

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